Advances in Restorative Dentistry - Kent Dental Mentoring Study Group - Kent and Canterbury Hospital Postgraduate Centre
Anterior and Posterior Extra-coronal Restorations - Virtual teaching for Dental Foundation Trainees, Health Education England
Dental Complications for On-call Medics - William Harvey Hospital Postgraduate Centre, Ashford
Advancing Multi-disciplinary Care in a Regional Maxillofacial Department Overview, Chichester Cup 2022, Hosted by East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust
Oral Rehabilitation of Head and Neck Patients, Advancing Multi-disciplinary Care, Chichester Cup 2022
Posterior (Day1) and Anterior (Day2) Contemporary Indirect Restorations - Clinical skills course for General dental Practitioners, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Postgraduate Centre
Restorative Dentistry in the third Dimension - British Association of Oral Surgery (BAOS) Meeting, William Harvey Hospital, Ashford, Kent
Adhesive Bridges and Restorations - MClinDent Core Course - Guy's Hospital, King's College London
The Role of the Restorative Dentist in the Head and Neck Cancer Pathway - TSSG Meeting, Maidstone Hospital
Endodontic Module - Diploma in Primary Dental Care, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Postgraduate Department
Clinical Skills Course for Masters in Clinical Dentistry (MClinDent) Prosthodontic Postgraduate students - Guy's Hospital, King's College London
Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examination (ISFE) in Restorative Dentistry Study Day, King's College Hospital
Management of Head and Neck Cancer Patients - King's College Hospital London
Managing Tooth Surface Loss - Hands on Course, Kent and Canterbury Hospital Clinical Skills Room, Postgraduate Department.
MacMillan Head & Neck Cancer Study Day - Dental Management and Oral Rehabilitation of Head and Neck Cancer Patients, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Postgraduate Department.
The Role of a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry - Dental Foundation Trainees - Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Postgraduate Department.
Overview of Dental Implants and Straumann Implants - William Harvey Hospital, Ashford.
Maintaining Dental Implants - A Team Approach, William Harvey Hospital Postgraduate Centre.